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Speech Development

Handout about typical speech development for babies to young children (ages 2 months to 4 years).

Feeding Development

Handout about typical feeding development for babies to young children (ages 0 months to 2 years).

Teething & Drooling

Handout describing when drooling is appropriate for babies and toddlers (ages 1 month to 2 years).

Motor, Oral Motor & Feeding

Handout that describes typical development of motor, oral motor and feeding skills.

Goals for Toys

Handout with speech therapy goal ideas for toys commonly found in the home. This can be used by families or SLPs.

TOTs Treatment Recommendations

Handout with a checklist for families to help guide the treatment recommendations for Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs). 

Speech Sound Errors

Handout about speech sound error that are typical in children's speech (called Phonological Processes) and discusses the ages which they should disappear by.

Increasing Language Ideas

Handout with ideas for increasing language in the home. These ideas include strategies that are typically used in speech therapy sessions.

Pre- and Post- Frenectomy Exercises- Child

Pre- and Post- Frenectomy exercises for children of all ages.

Pre- and Post- Frenectomy Exercises- Infant

Pre- and Post- Frenectomy exercises for infants.

We also sell speech therapy games!

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